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Improve Your Health With These Air-Filtering Plants:

Now, we’re not just talking about improving your physical health by cleaning your home's air, but also improving your mental health - that’s the power of these plants below!

The most popular study for reference was conducted by NASA and showed that plants can play a major role in the removal of organic chemicals from indoor air, such as benzene and formaldehyde. Another study published in the Journal of Environmental Horticulture advises that living in or near green spaces improves moods, reduces stress and increases positive behaviours, much to be further supported by a test conducted across 4 hospitals where having plants present within hospital rooms helped patients recover faster by lowering bloodpressure, pain and fatigue levels. Together let’s explore these wonderful plants and see how they can be introduced into our homes.

Devils Ivy: (Epipremnum aureum)

One of the most popular houseplants that are both aesthetically pleasing and easy to care for. It likes to sit on a window without direct sunlight, with its soil a little moist.

We have this beaut' sitting on our office window and can vouch for its effectiveness on mood.

This is also a great example of a plant that will remove the air of pollutants, however, it’s unfortunately not pet-friendly and can cause some real issues if your pets' try to eat it so, make sure it’s out of reach.

Peace Lilly: (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lilly, Indoor Plant, Landscaper Brisbane
Peace Lilly (Spathiphyllum)

My absolute favourite! It’s super hardy and doesn’t get offended if you neglect it a little. This one has made a nice addition to the corner of our dining room and is happy with the minimal direct light and water it receives.

Peace Lily was one of the main subjects in NASA’s analysis and most efficient at removing pollutants. Again, the downside about it is it’s toxic when ingested so keep away from children and pets (as a rule of thumb, we’re just assuming adults understand not to eat their plants).

Mother-In-Law’s Tongue: (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Mother-In-Laws Tongue, Indoor Plant, Landscaper Brisbane
Mother-In-Law’s Tongue: (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Again, another favourite of mine that is popular in the NASA Study, this little beauty even absorbs nitrogen oxide and xylene from the air.

Mother-in-Law's Tongue is generally kept in our office and endures a low amount of light. We do move it around though, as it prefers to have plenty of bright light.

Fun fact about this one is its interesting adaption process for drought. When it’s too hot during the day it’ll close its pores to retain moisture and then ‘breathes’ at night once it’s cooler.

If you're new to plant-parenting, I recommend starting with this one. They're very easy to maintain - one of the most tolerant and least demanding plants.

Nerve Plant: (Fittonia albivenis)

Nerve Plant, Indoor Plant, Landscaper Brisbane
Nerve Plant: (Fittonia albivenis)

It’s evident why you would fall in love with this plant. Its evergreen spread with unusual delicate red veins is sure to impress. It ticks the box of air-purifying but unlike our other friendlies above, it can be a bit temperamental to grow as a houseplant and requires the right balance of misting with humid conditions. Our little one lives on our bar, where it’s safe from the direct sunlight that it dreads.

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